In part 1 I showed how to create and open objects in Terminal Server Sessions. However, these are not all of the possible places where you can place objects via documented kernel32.dll functions.

If we look into Winobj again, we notice, that every BaseNamedObjects directory has a subdirectory named Restricted. To be honest, I do not know why it’s created; it’s security allows object creation for LocalSystem and RESTRICTED special user (in windows 2000, Everyone can also create objects in it). So, we can use it as prefix for object creation, for example, Restricted\MyAppEvent: RestrictedObject

Of course, you can still use Global, Local, or Session links for accessing objects in Restricted directory, e.g. Global\Restricted\Objname, Session\6\Restricted\Objname. You can always create objects in Global\Restricted directory, while may fail creating objects in session’s Restricted directory.

What if you will use Session link, but do not add the session number to it (like Session\MyAppEvent)? It is allowed, and you’ll have your object created into the \Sessions\BNOLINKS directory: BNOLinksObject

So if you want to hide your object, but still share it with someone else, you can use it.

Download new SessionObjects version 1.1: it creates objects in all possible places.

Session Objects 1.1 (1620 downloads )